Monmouth City Council Approves C & D Electric Service Agreement


Monmouth City Council has approved a service agreement with C & D Electric to provide electrical inspections services within the city, informs City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher:

“This has been a traditional arrangement that we have had for a number of years because we don’t have a qualified licensed electrical inspector on staff, so we have always had contractual relationships with licensed private electricians to perform that work. We were able to make the arrangements with C & D Electric, who will actually creating a separate LLC to enter into the contract and provide these services. The City Council did approve that arrangement, so we can continue to provide electrical inspection services to electrical work that is done in the community.”

Administrator Steinbrecher also reported council will reach out to the City of Galesburg in utilizing their electrical inspector to inspect the work of C & D Electric.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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