84th Annual Monmouth Fastpitch Softball Old-Timers Game on Sunday


A decades-long Monmouth tradition is taking place again this weekend. The 84th Annual Fastpitch Softball Old-Timers Game will take place on Sunday at Monmouth Park. All former area softball players 40 years and over from Warren, Henderson, Knox and Mercer County are invited to play. Old-Timer Committee Chairman Tom Glenn describes what’s going to happen on Sunday.

Old-Timer Committee Chairman Tom Glenn

New this year to Old-Timer Day is two Home Run Derby contests at 3:45. The first event will be for 40 years and up. That will be followed by the second derby for men from 20 years old to 39.

If you are interested in playing, or know someone that would interested, contact Old-Timer committee chairman, Tom Glenn at (309) 371-6690 or send an email to tom@warrencountyymca.org.

Here’s the entire AM 1330/FM 94.1 WRAM Morning Show interview with Prairie Radio Sports Director Shawn Temple, Tom Glenn and other Old-Timer’s Game Committee members, Ralph Whiteman and Steve Shimmin

3:30-4:30—–Batting Practice and Home Run Derbys

4:30-5:00—–Pregame activities: Color Guard, National Anthem, Memorial Bat Laying Ceremony

5:00———–Old-Timers Game

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