In early August, Jamieson Community Center did an internal swap of spaces to better serve the community by moving the food pantry area into the thrift store, allowing guests to now select their own items, explains Executive Director Nancy Mowen:
“Our pantry area is our storage area, which is what it is now, was not very big and to have people come into the pantry and do choice in non-COVID was challenging, with COVID, it was too confined. We did a shift and moved the shopping area of our pantry into our thrift store. It is now called the Community Marketplace and when people come in, we have the pantry area in one section. We have shelves available, and they are labeled with how many items people can select based on their family size.”
JCC’s Community Marketplace is open Mondays through Fridays 10 am to 4 pm.
**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**