Local Flavor in Little League World Series in Williamsport


There will be a local team participating in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania this week. The Southeast Iowa All-Stars based out of Davenport, Iowa beat Webb City, Missouri 4-3 on Friday in the Midwest Regional Tournament championship game. The win by Iowa avenged a 3-1 loss to Missouri earlier in the tourney. Southeast Iowa All-Stars will now be renamed Midwest Champions when the World Series starts on Thursday.

Midwest will be a part of the United States Bracket and will open against the Great Lakes Regional Champions, Hagerstown, Indiana on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 central time. All games will be broadcast on the ESPN network or ABC. Davenport’s game on Thursday will be on ESPN. If Davenport earns a victory on Thursday, they will wait until Monday for their second game of the tournament. Should Davenport lose on Thursday, they will play on Saturday afternoon. The tournament has added more teams this season, to a total of 20, and moved from a pool play to a double elimination format.

The Monmouth-area has a local connection to the World Series this year. Quinn Kettman, grandson of former Monmouth insurance salesman Fred Jenks, plays for the Midwest Region champs. Quinn, who plays multiple positions, played in all five regional tournament games last week. He smashed a double, scored five runs times knocked in two runs. His five runs scored, led Davenport in the tournament.

Keep up with the Little League World Series by going clicking HERE.

***Contributions to story via Rachel Kunkle and Fred Jenks, photo courtesy of littleleague.org***

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