ICCB Reports Increase in Fall Enrollment at Community Colleges for the First Time in Over a Decade


The Illinois Community College board is reporting an increase in fall enrollment for the first time in more than a decade. Overall, enrollment grew by one and a half percent compared to last fall, with 28 community colleges reporting a rise in students. 20 schools saw a decrease over the year. Board Executive Director Brian Durham:

“We are seeing student post pandemic here really starting to come back to the community colleges. I think it is also really notable that this is really bumping national trends where there is decline in flat numbers in the last couple of years, so Illinois is really standing out this way.”

There was a 30 percent increase in adult learners this fall compared to the previous year. More career and technical students are coming back as well, since much of their work must be done in-person.

***Courtesy of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services***

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