No Injuries Reported in Single-Family Structure Fire in Macomb

Photo Courtesy of the Macomb Fire Department Facebook Page


At 1:16 PM, Wednesday November 9, 2022, the Macomb Fire Department responded to a
reported structure fire in a single-family residence located at 341 S. Lafayette St. The
initial crew arrived on scene at 1:20 pm and found smoke emitting from the structure.
Entry was made into the structure where smoke was encountered, crews made their way
through the structure and located a fire in the rear laundry room. Initial reports indicated
that a person may be inside along with two canines. A search of the premises was
conducted, and no occupant was found. We received further notification that the
occupant was at work and had been notified of the fire. The two canines were located
unharmed and returned to the owner upon his arrival. The fire was deemed under control
at 1:57 pm. No injuries were reported.
The home sustained significant damage to the laundry room, with smoke damage
throughout the home. The occupant did not have renters’ insurance. The home was
insured, and damages are estimated at $6,000.
The residence did have smoke detectors and they were sounding at the time of arrival.
The cause of the fire has been ruled unintentional and electrical in nature.
Six On-Duty Macomb Firefighters initially responded with an additional 5 Off-Duty
firefighters being called in. Thank you to McDonough County 911, Lifeguard Ambulance,
Macomb Police Department, Macomb Public Works, and Ameren IL for their assistance
with the call. The scene was cleared at 3:10 pm.

***Courtesy of the Macomb Fire Department***

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