A resolution to present a referendum for a Sales Tax increase has been passed by the Warren County Board, which will go before voters in April of 2023 to pay for a potential new county jail. Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair Sean Cavanaugh explains the tax would not be a forever tax:
“That referendum, it is a sales tax of .75% and it is not a forever tax. It has a sunset clause so when the debt has been retired on the jail that tax will go away. We have some plans on getting the word out to the people. One thing that people should also realize, is that the promotion advocacy for the proposed new jail, public funds are not used for that advocacy. We have to go out and raise that money to promote the jail project. County Board members and other individuals and organizations have been chipping in on that so we should be taken care of there.”
The board has plans for a 40 bed or a 60 bed jail. With a passed referendum by voters, the goal would be to raise $16 million over a 20 to 25 year period to pay for a potential new jail.