Serving in the American Legion Honor Guard an Honorable Tradition


An honored tradition to be a part of, the Monmouth American Legion Honor Guard and Firing Squad serves to pay a special tribute and individual recognition to all veterans that gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Warren County Sheriff Martin Edwards and Honor Guard member himself, says members are in great need:

“The Firing Squad is always looking for more people on there. Many of us have done it for a long time. It is not uncommon when a veteran passes in the local area that we are asked to come out and render honors. That is seven days a week and no matter what the weather. We render the firing salute as well as the bugle playing taps and a flag presentation. I think we do an excellent job. I think it is very professional and honorable. It is not just at funerals, of course Memorial Day we hit eleven different cemeteries, Veteran’s Day we do honors. Once in a while we are asked to open special events. It is a busy squad.”

Members of the local Honor Guard and Firing Squad will be present during the annual Veteran’s Day program, Friday, November 11th at the Monmouth American Legion.

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Civic Excellence Award Presented to Joseph Lamnert

The Galesburg Fire Department presented Joseph Lamnert with a Civic Excellence Award today, recognizing his heroic actions in extinguishing a kitchen fire in his neighbor’s apartment. Thanks to functioning smoke