2022 Miss Stark County Fair Queen Maddie Wilson will be competing among the 70 other county fair queens from across the state in the 2023 Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant in Springfield. Wilson, who is from Wyoming, Illinois, is currently a Junior at Monmouth College, majoring in Elementary Education, and is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, breaks down this weekend’s timeline of events:
“Thursday morning is our check-in and then we have rehearsals all day Thursday. Following with Friday, Friday is when we have our interviews. We will all go through our four to five minute interview with the five judges’ panel. Then on Saturday is the preliminary competition, where I am in the afternoon group as Contestant #3 and then Sunday is the finals.”
The 2023 Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant will be held January 20th through 22nd in Springfield with live updates being posted on the pageant’s Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/missillinoiscountyfairqueen/.