Several underground water main repairs and road resurfacing projects are in the que for the City of Monmouth in the next couple of years. Public Works Director Andy Jackson breaks down the upcoming projects:
“The one that is going to beat everything at this point is we will get the water main replaced on East Euclid from 9th to 6th Street and then down 6th Street to Broadway. That work should go to bid at the end of March. Then we would follow that with reconstructing North 6th Street from Broadway out to Euclid and also new pavement on Euclid from 9th to 6th Street. On West Harlem, that project we are still waiting for the state to send grant agreements out. That has been a very long waiting process. Once we are able to get grant agreements and actually access the money, then we can go ahead and start construction. I hope that will happen yet this year, get the water main in the ground and then be able to do the road next year.”
As for the Downtown Revitalization project, Director Jackson says the underground project is currently in design and is anticipated to go out to bid later this year. The Downtown Monmouth Streetscape Resurfacing project remains one to two years out.