The Macomb Fire Department was paged for Mutual Aid with the New Salem Fire
Protection District at approximately 6:35 PM on April 20, 2023, for a fire at Western Grain
Marketing located at 21050 US Highway 136. Upon arrival it was discovered that one of
the elevated conveyor belt system motors had malfunctioned and started on fire.
Macomb was released and returned to the station at 8:56 PM.
At 2:56 AM we were again paged back to the location. Ladder 1 was set up as an elevated
standpipe to supply water up to the conveyor system that was approximately 125ft in the
air. The conveyor system had to be dismantled to get to the seat of the fire. The fire was
extinguished, and the duty crew returned to the station.
Five on-duty Macomb firefighters responded to the call, with Five off-duty firefighters
being called back to the station. Bushnell Fire Dept and McDonough County Sheriff’s
Office also assisted on scene.
Dan Meyer, Fire Chief