CASA of West Central Illinois is the Court Appointed Special Advocate program where volunteers serve to change a child’s story by supporting and speaking up for abused or neglected children in the court system in Henderson, Knox, McDonough, and Warren Counties. Executive Director Kelly Corbin shares training classes to become a volunteer will begin at the end of May:
“We are having a training class starting at the end of May. We are always recruiting new volunteers. The more volunteers we have, the more children we can serve. There is between 150 and 200 more children in our four county service area that still need a volunteer. We do a 30 hour pre-service training class. It is held via zoom once a week for five weeks and then you get sworn in by the juvenile judge and we will get you a case.”
Training classes begin Monday, May 29th through June 26th. For more details on becoming a volunteer, search CASA of West Central Illinois on Facebook. Additionally, CASA is also seeking board members to serve their four county area.