A summer full of events are about to get underway at the Warren County Public Library, including the Summer Reading Program, which is available for both children and adults, begins on Monday, June 5th, shares Youth Librarian Cammy Davis:
“Summer reading starts officially on June 5th and that is when you can start logging your minutes. If you don’t already have a Read Squared account, and that is totally free provided by the library, we have the link on our website, on our social media, and on our flyers so you can register for your account if you don’t already have one, then start logging minutes. This program runs up until July 29th and we are capping it off with a pool party. You have to have completed at least 100 minutes to be able to attend that pool party, which will be on August 3rd over at the Pattee Outdoor Pool, across from the Warren County YMCA.”
Additional programs happening at the library for adults; navigating the stars, crafts, a resume workshop, and demonstrations. A complete list of all events at the Warren County Public Library can be found on their website or Facebook page.