Camp Kidz, the six week summer day camp available to Knox, Warren, and Henderson County children ages 5 to 21 with developmental disabilities begins Monday, June 19th, shares Warren Achievement Center Marketing Coordinator Sean Cavanaugh:
“It is through Triumph Services, which is put on by three groups; Thrive Community Services, formerly KCCDD, Bridgeway, and Warren Achievement Center. It is a six week day camp. We call it worry free fun for mom and dad and guardians and so forth. We have lots of staff. We have nursing because people have medications or someone might fall down and skin their knee, what have you. They do different activities for six weeks, they take field trips, swimming, they have arts and crafts, and there is a family day. They build lasting friendships because they are not all from the same area and they love it. They absolutely love it and it is a wonderful program.”
Fields trips throughout the six weeks include visits to Camp Big Sky, the Discovery Depot, Knox County Fair, and local parks. Camp Kidz is located in the KCCDD gymnasium in Galesburg.