In this day and age, you can never be too secure. Whether it be locking your vehicles, garages, and homes or keeping watch over your finances, Integrous Risk Solutions Chief Operations Officer Brian Morefield says always being situational aware of your surroundings is of upmost importance:
“We are our best line of security, right. Don’t be a soft target. Today what we see and we are all guilty of it, the kids and all the way up, you look at people and everyone is face down into a phone. We are always looking at a screen. Having your eyes up and paying attention to what is going on around you. When you sit in a restaurant, when you are in a theater, whatever it is you are going to go do, take a look around, see what your surrounding is. We fall into a rut. Everyone wants to be on their phones all the time looking at their social media. Cool thing is that there are a lot of awesome things in the real world if you just look up and check it out, plus it keeps you safe.”
The three essential actions to being situational aware include recognizing anything that may be out of the ordinary, analyzing a situation, and taking direct action when necessary.