Service Line Protection Available for Galesburg Homeowners


The City of Galesburg has partnered with Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA) to offer protection for homeowners through the water and sewer lateral protection program. The coverage is voluntary and available at affordable monthly or annual prices. Founded in 2003, SLWA has partnered with over 1,200 leading cities, municipalities, and utilities in the US to provide repair service plans that offer peace of mind and convenience.

“Many homeowners do not know that damage to the service lines on their property is their responsibility to repair,” said Aaron Gavin, City of Galesburg Interim Public Works Director. “SLWA repair plans provide homeowners with an optional peace of mind solution so they can be better prepared in the event of these unexpected repairs.”

The SLWA Service Line Warranty Program protects against damage to pipes on homeowners’ property. Repairs to these pipes are not covered by basic homeowners’ insurance or by the city of Galesburg. If a customer’s line needs repair, a simple call to the SLWA 24-hour hotline will dispatch a local, licensed contractor familiar with local code. There are no service fees or deductibles. Many factors contribute to the life expectancy of a service line including the age, type of piping material, soil conditions and installation quality – all factors which are covered through the SLWA protection program. This program is voluntary for residents and provided at no cost to the city of Galesburg and no public funds are used to promote or administer the program.

“Our service plans not only cover the cost of the repair; they also provide homeowners with reputable, local contractors who will do the best possible job,” said Tom Rusin, CEO of SLWA parent HomeServe USA. “We’re thrilled to be partnering with the city of Galesburg and look forward to the opportunity to provide city of Galesburg homeowners with the assistance they need when faced with a home repair emergency.”

SLWA has been recognized as the nation’s largest and most trusted source of utility line plans endorsed by the National League of Cities (NLC). The company is committed to customer service, ethical marketing practices and maintaining an accredited rating with the Better Business Bureau. For questions about this service, or to enroll, please contact SLWA at 866-922-9006 or visit

About Service Line Warranties of America

Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA) is part of HomeServe USA Corp (HomeServe), a leading provider of home repair solutions serving over 3.1 million customers across the US and Canada. Founded in 2003, SLWA is the trusted source of utility line protection programs endorsed by the National League of Cities. Together with HomeServe, SLWA is dedicated to supplying best-in-class repair plans and delivering superior customer service to consumers through over 1,200 leading city, municipal and utility partners.

***Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***

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