West Central Board of Education to Discuss Cell Phone Policy at Monthly Meeting

Courtesy of the West Central Heat


The West Central Board of Education will hold their monthly meeting tonight at 6 pm in the West Central Elementary Cafeteria. One discussion item on the agenda is the use of cell phones within the district, explains Superintendent Stacey Day:

“We have a couple of board members that really just want to talk about what our cell phone policy is a little bit more in depth and if it is working for us, is it not, where do we see issues, is there something different we can do, and really just trying to get more of us all on the same page, including our board, administrators, staff, and even our parents about what the expectations are and what the concerns are with them at all the different levels. In the day and age we live in, cell phones are everywhere and can be such a really good resource for our staff, for our kids if used appropriately. Just working with our kids to understand that this is a really powerful tool and lets use it for good and use it to help grow and learn and become successful citizens.”

Other items on tonight’s West Central Board meeting include goals for the district, approval of a tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2024, new hires, and resignations.

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