OSF HealthCare, the United Way of Greater Warren County, and OSF Children’s Hospital are teaming up to hold a free car seat safety check event this Saturday, September 23rd, shares OSF Manager of Community Resources Stephanie Hilten:
“On our campus at Holy Family this Saturday, from 10 am to 1 pm, we will have goodie bags full of lots of good information, some giveaways for anyone that comes through, as well as car seats available. Really, our bottom line is to make sure that everyone that comes through, drives away with a safe car seat installed for their child. Whether you pull up without a car seat, with an expired car seat, or damaged car seat, we will have car seats available, as well as certified technicians making sure that it is properly installed and show you how to properly install it so if you need to move it to another vehicle. We don’t want anyone to be afraid to pull up if you don’t even have a car seat, that is perfectly fine, you won’t be in trouble. We just want to make sure that all of our children in our community are safe on the road.”