The West Harlem Avenue water main project, which will be completed in two sections; Main Street to G Street and then G Street to Sunny Lane, and also phase one of the Downtown Monmouth project to replace utilities will be going out to bid very soon. The second phase of the Downtown Revitalization project is the beautification process, explains Mayor Rod Davies:
“I think the big thing will be the bringing of two lanes into the square to one lane. In the square there will be one lane around the square and one lane exiting the square. We are going to be adding some parking in the quadrants. The purpose of the one lane is to calm and slow traffic down to help with pedestrian safety in the square and quadrant areas. We will also be redoing the quadrants. We will be doing some signage and branding and enhancing pedestrian movement through and around the square, so I think those will be the key issues.”
Additionally, an entrance road and parking lot at the Monmouth Municipal Airport will soon break ground following a pre-construction meeting.