WIU BOT Approves FY24 All-Funds Budget, FY25 Budget Recommendations


The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees approved a Fiscal Year 2024 All-Funds Budget at its Oct. 13 Board meeting, held on the Moline campus. This budget assumes the FY24 state appropriation of $55.7 million. The University’s total operating budget for FY24 is $209.9 million.*

Additionally, the Board approved the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriated operating budget and capital budget recommendations, which will be presented to the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the General Assembly and Gov. J.B. Pritzker. The Board approved a FY25 recommended appropriated operating budget increase of $20.4 million and the FY25 capital budget recommendation of $491.7 million. In addition, a capital renewal budget recommendation of $32.3 million was approved to assist with critical deferred maintenance needs.

The WIU BOT also recognized outgoing member Greg Aguilar, of East Moline, IL.

The Board elected Polly Radosh as vice chair through June 30, 2024. And, the Board heard reports on Fall 2023 enrollment, facilities and academic affairs. The complete Board agenda can be found at wiu.edu/bot.

The next open meeting of the WIU Board of Trustees will be held Tuesday, Dec. 5 the Macomb campus.

* Full budget information (All Funds, FY24 Appropriated Operating and Capital Recommendations), can be found in Board materials at wiu.edu/bot.

***Courtesy of Western Illinois University***

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