Monmouth City Council Update with Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, and Communications Director Ken Helms


Part 1: Discussion on the two proclamations from Mayor Rod Davies including the 9th Anniversary of Apprenticeship Week November 13th through the 19th and Veteran’s Day

Part 2: Discussion on the Building and Zoning report and the Woodard and Curran report to the Monmouth City Council on junk and debris enforcement, a new leaf machine, equipment lease, as well as the Harlem Avenue project

Part 3: Discussion on the RISE Planning Grant for Economic Recovery including components of addressing housing needs and infrastructure improvements

Part 4: Discussion on the request from the Monmouth Park District to vacate a subdivision in McEwen Court and the request for a stop sign at North 3rd and East Clinton Avenue

Part 5: Discussion on the request of a package liquor license, no action was taken by Council

Part 6: Discussion on the Downtown Streetscape project, which is to begin with water main replacement followed by the beautification of Downtown Monmouth

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