As part of an EPA mandate, the City of Monmouth is conducting lead survey lines to identify homes in Monmouth that currently have lead service lines and Mayor Rod Davies explains the city has received funds to replace those lines:
“We got $960,000 from Congressman Sorensen that he is going to take to the Appropriations Committee to get funded and then we also are to receive $1 million a year for five years from the Illinois State Revolving Loan Fund, which we will have to pay a portion of that back, so that will be determined. This is a significant project. It is $8 to $9 million. It is over $5,000 per household. It is not only the cost of replacing the lead service line, it is the cost of, in most cases, digging up the road to attach the new line to the water main, and then fixing the road when we get done doing that.”
Find the entire City of Monmouth interview here.