Have You Established End of the Year Charitable Goals?


Under the Galesburg Community Foundation, organizations in Knox and Warren Counties are served with permanent endowments, which are built based off charitable interests of donors. As giving happens when people need it to happen, President and CEO Josh Gibb offers guidance with qualified charitable distributions for end of the year giving:

“There are people who use qualified charitable distributions this time of the year from their IRA’s. There are certainly people that have appreciated stock assets and that is a great gift to give. In our region, a lot of our community foundation peers talk about the giving of gift of grain makes a lot of sense for a lot of people. We encourage people to reach out and discover what that might mean for them. Sometimes there are tax advantages to doing it. Sometimes people just know that they want to do something for their community and beginning a conversation with the Community Foundation helps them envision what is possible.”

Five Community Funds under the Galesburg Community Foundation have been created in Knoxville, Roseville, Alexis, Williamsfield, and Monmouth, serving a variety of organizations.

For the entire interview with Gibb, click here.

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