Two United High School students have been named Illinois State Scholars reports Superintendent Jeff Whitsitt:
“Landon Burns. Landon does a little bit of everything. He has previously been in our music programs. He is a golfer and a basketball player and he will run track for us. He probably is state bound in track for this year, I’m certain, but he is a top notch kid in our academic program. Last I knew Landon is going to head to Bradley and do some sort of engineering. Then our other State Scholar is Kailey Stockdale. Last I talked to Kailey, she is tussling between Illinois State and Eastern Illinois. I think it is her intent to be an instrumental music teacher. She is all over our social media for qualifying for state level bands. She is a multi instrument player. I think her main one is the trombone. She is obviously very strong academically to be an Illinois State Scholar, but she kind of majors in our music department.”
More from Superintendent Whitsitt can be heard here.