VNA Community Services is a not for profit agency that provides a variety of services to senior citizens of Knox County and on February 1st, the organization, along with Thrive Community Services, will kick off the month long ‘Put Your Heart Into It’ fundraiser, which helps to provide meals to local seniors, explains Executive Director Michael Bennett:
“We are heading into our 5th annual ‘Put Your Heart Into It’ fundraising bonanza. What is great about it is that this is our 5th year that we have been able to team up with Thrive Community Services, formerly KCCDD. Basically, the Thrive recipients, their services they construct these lovely homemade Valentine’s for our seniors. We take these cards to local businesses throughout the Knox County area and we ask them to display them in a prominent area so they can show they are actually champions of our seniors. We also ask that they provide some sort of deal, unique service, or percentage of their profits for at least one day in the month of February. Then at the end of February, we take those Valentines and we distribute them amongst our home delivered meals recipients along with a fresh supply of shelf stable meals.”
For more details on how to get involved in the month long ‘Put Your Heart Into It’ fundraiser, call VNA Community Services at 309-342-1152 or visit The Volunteer Network on Aging-VNA Community Services on Facebook.