A new Executive Director for the Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce has been hired, which is also in partnership with the Warren County Board and the Maple City Area Partnership for Economic Development, shares City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher:
“If you look at the organizational structure that has been put in place, that is really the story that leads to serve both the Chamber of Commerce and the Maple City Area Partnership. MCAP really is group of business leaders and owners coming together with Monmouth College, the city, and Warren County; all financial contributors to the organization for the sole purpose of promoting economic development activity in Warren County.”
Andrea Monroe began her new role as Executive Director February 1st.
For a complete update from the Monmouth City Council, listen here: City of Monmouth Update with Mayor Rod Davies, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher, and Communications Director Ken Helms | Prairie Communications, LLC (977wmoi.com)