Recent Farmland Donation to Benefit Monmouth College Students

Photo Courtesy of Monmouth College


Monmouth College recent received a gift valued at nearly $12 million in the form of a 780-acre farm. The gift, which is the second largest donation in the College’s history, is from alumna Marilyn Johnston from the class of 1948. Located in Mercer County, Monmouth Vice President of Development and College Relations Hannah Maher, says this gift will support the College’s endowment.

“Our endowment supports, you know everything at the college. Good portion of it really supports our students’ scholarships and financial aid to allow students to afford the Monmouth experience. It supports our academic programs and faculty that we have on campus, study abroad opportunities,” says Maher. “We have travel funds within the endowment supports even maintenance funds on some of our buildings to keep that campus looking beautiful. So really, it is a big part of our annual budget every year the draw that we pull from our endowment in combination with tuition and then certainly annual donations we receive.”

Maher adds the current farming agreement for the land will still hold true meaning the individuals who have been farming the land will continue to do so.

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