American Farmland Trust, a nonprofit focused on supporting US farmers, introduced a new US Farmed certification for brands that source 95 percent of ingredients from American farms. Anheuser-Busch will be the first company to certify their products as US Farmed, adopting the new seal on their packaging, says Chief Procurement Officer John Rogers.
“We think this is a level up next level on our commitment to US agriculture. We’re very proud of being the first company to have our products certified as US Farmed starting with Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, and Busch Light,” says Rogers. “Busch Light will be the first ever product to carry a US Farmed certification on its packaging, and that will be in stores in May. It’s a celebration of American farmers- the celebration of the iconic ingredients that go into our beers, including corn grown in Iowa.”
The US Farmed certification will help consumers identify and purchase domestically sourced products. American Farmland Trust President and CEO Beth Saueraft says the funds raised through this program will help provide resources and advisory services to farmers across the country.
“This is critical right now because we are losing 2000 acres of farmland per day to being paved over or built on or otherwise converted to some nonagricultural use,” says Saurhaft. “And at the same time, we are facing an unprecedented inter-generational transfer of about a third of our farmland, that’s about 300 million acres over the next 20 years.”
Starting this May, consumers will see the US Farmed certification on Anheuser-Busch beers.