With recent talks of the possibility of experiencing brown outs, Ameren Illinois is continuing their investment of improved infrastructure to boost the power grid, explains Supervisor, Distribution Design Brian Cuffle:
“If you look at our power costs from a customer standpoint in the Midwest, we are very low compared to the rest of the country. We are doing everything we can do to keep our power affordable for or customers, but are still trying to boost our grid to make sure that we have reliable power for our customers. We want to continue to invest in the grid so our customers still have reliable power, they don’t have to worry about outages and all those things like that. Everybody has talked about over the last few years about the possible brown outs that might happen across the Midwest or across Illinois, that is why we are continuing to put infrastructure in to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Cuffle says a brown out occurs when there is a drop in voltage being transmitted from the power plants, which can be identified with flickering lights, electrical appliances turning on and off, or spotting internet connections.