Seasonal Allergies Sending You into a Tailspin?


With the ups and downs of the weather, pollen in the air, and blossoming plants, this time of the year plays a toll on those experiencing allergies. Depending on what you may be allergic too, allergy seasons typically take place in the spring and fall, lasting about six weeks each time, shares Ear, Nose, and Throat Dr. Jeffrey Sparks with McDonough District Hospital:

“Allergies are basically an over-exacerbation of a normal response. We are just now getting out and cutting the grass, if you would go roll around in it, that fresh cut grass, most likely your eyes would itch a little bit, your nose would run a little bit, that is a normal response. People that have allergies, have an exacerbated response, so they could just walk down the sidewalk and get those same symptoms. Most people refer to allergy season in the spring and the fall. Most of the time that is about a six week period in the spring and fall that is the worst, but people can have early spring stuff that are mostly trees and then you have your flowering plants in the spring and even your grasses and weeds later in the summer and into the fall. Of course you can have allergies to pets and other environmental things other than just grass.”

As for managing your allergies, Dr. Sparks informs the method to start with is over the counter medications, like Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra. If you are not seeing results with the medications, a nasal spray would be the next step before contacting your medical provider to get tested, seeing what you are allergic too, and finding another form of treatment.

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