During the month of March, the Monmouth Fire Department logged 215 hours of training, informs Communications Director Ken Helms:
“It is pretty nice that they are able to get in training of different aspects and stay on top of changing tactics and equipment. It included forcible entry, self-contained breathing apparatus, which is the bottles they wear on their back during the fire so they don’t inhale the infectious fumes that are generated; how to assess patients that have major trauma, which is something that is often seen when they respond to accidents on the highway, and managing multiple casualty incidents. They also attended a class in Roseville that was help by they RSP&E Fire District on the topic of response to active threat incidents.”
Additionally, Monmouth City Council approved demolition bids from Maple City Construction for 108 West 8th Avenue and 515 West C Street while also adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 $39.1 million budget, which begins May 1st.