Monmouth City Council Receives Bid for Downtown Project


A bid for the construction of a parking lot on South First Street in Monmouth was awarded at the latest City Council meeting to Porter Brothers Construction in the amount of $143,152. That same construction firm also submitted a bid for the Downtown Streetscape Beautification project, which City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher informs Council is now researching:

“The low bidder was Porter Brothers Construction out of Rock Falls. Their bid amount was $3,131,877. We decided we should take a little bit more time to do some research on Porter Brothers Construction. They are a new contractor for the City of Monmouth and we have not been able to reach all of the references that we would like to talk to and make sure they are a quality contractor. I would expect that once we get through that research, we will be able to put this back on the agenda for the next Council meeting.”

Additionally, Steinbrecher informs the 6th Street reconstruction is well underway with construction on West Harlem to follow from North Main Street to North G Street later this summer and early fall.

Discussion on the parking lot and Downtown Streetscape
Discussion on 6th Street and West Harlem

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