The 2024 Monmouth Little Lion’s League Baseball season came to an end last night at Harmon Park in Monmouth with the annual Award Ceremony Picnic. A fantastic turnout was treated to a hot dog, chips and a drink. Following the meal, the regular season and tournament champs were recognized. The same team earned both awards in the minor league with Stombaugh Law garnering both trophies. Midwest Bank swept the major league division, as well, winning the regular season and tournament title.
The final award of the night was The Vernon Schaub Sportsmanship Award. Schaub, a former neighbor of Harmon Park, started the award around 25 years ago. Coaches nominate a 12-year old player from each team that exhibited great sportsmanship and leadership throughout the season. The winner this year is Jayden Szaltis. Jaden played for Leary’s Construction. Following last night’s ceremony, Jayden relayed what it meant to him to win the award.