Galesburg City Council Receives Clean Audit for Fiscal Year 2023


At the recent Galesburg City Council meeting, the Fiscal Year 2023 Finance Report was heard, which presented with a clean audit for the city, explains City Administrator Eric Hanson:

“We had another very good year as a city and a clean audit, no findings, no issues, all the funds ended at or above where projected, and we got a fair amount accomplished. Any time the auditors come and present to council and it is boring, that is a good thing. We had a very good year financially in the General Fund and some of that has continued out of the pandemic. We have been able to make some additional investments. We made progress on our pension funds, moving those in the right direction, and got a number of capital projects done as well, but it is always nice to confirm that we are moving in the right direction financially.”

Hanson informs the City of Galesburg has also received two Safe Routes to School grants this year to improve pedestrian infrastructure.

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