Whether you work with computers all day, are using your cell phone or tablets, or just watching television, the increased screen time can lead to headaches or strained eyes. Kehoe Eye Care Chief Operating Officer Kelsey Pendell explains those symptoms could be caused by eye misalignment:
“We have brought on this new lens technology. It is called Neurolens and it helps focus your eye alignment to prevent all those headaches and strained eyes. Many of us work behind computers every day and our eyes aren’t actually aligning at the distance. It will show you with our virtual reality testing kit that your eyes are probably aligning beyond your scope; beyond that computer screen, beyond that television, whatever you are working on and focusing on, your eyes aren’t aligning to the actual scope of work that you are doing.”
Additionally, Kehoe Eye Care has expanded their dry eye spa at their Galesburg location, which helps to treat dry eyes with the use of a mask over four sessions.