M-R Board of Education Talk Transportation Costs; View Tentative Budget

Photo Courtesy of the Monmouth-Roseville Titans


At the recent Monmouth-Roseville Board of Education meeting, the balanced tentative budget was viewed. A portion of the budget is transportation, which Superintendent Ed Fletcher states has increased 40 percent in the last three years:

“The expenses in that fund have ballooned, specifically related to the cost of bus leases. Ours have gone up in the last three years 40 percent. We are looking at getting busses, we need three busses next year, as part of the lease. When we leased them three years ago, they were $14,500 a year to lease them. Now they are $21,200 a year.”

Final approval of the budget for the Monmouth-Roseville School District will take place at the September Board of Education meeting.

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