Warren County Sheriff Edwards Reminds Drivers to Stop for Flashing Lights


As students head back to school, Warren County Sheriff Martin Edwards reminds motorists of the rules of the road when approaching a school bus:

“The busses will normally turn on their yellow flashing lights prior to making a stop as a warning to motorists that they are stopping and then of course the red lights will activate with the stop arm out. It is extremely important that nobody try to pass that bus during this time, even when the yellow lights are on, consider just staying back where you are at because they can flick those red lights on immediately. You can’t always predict what kids are going to do, particularly if they have to cross the road to get to the bus. Do not pass that bus when those lights are blinking. If you get caught doing that, it will be a mandatory court date and expect a suspension. It is that serious.”

Sheriff Edwards also reminds motorists to watch for children riding their bicycles or walking as they head to and from school.

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