Northbound Lanes of North Main Closed During Downtown Monmouth Construction

Photo Courtesy of Prairie Communications' Kelsey Crain


  • The Northbound lanes of North Main will be closed this week. 
  • Excavation and Construction will be taking place along the medians and E. Sidewalks. 
  • N. Main Businesses please use caution when entering/leaving as major construction is taking place.
  • Electrical work has been completed Near City Hall. Sidewalk and Median construction will be taking place. 
  • Curb/Gutter & Island construction.
  • Please avoid using the NE quadrant & N. Main as major construction is taking place. 
  • Business foot traffic is open in the NE quadrant & N. Main, please stay within the marked access areas along the front of the businesses. 
  • NE Quadrant Businesses- Handrailing is currently ordered, installing when it arrives. If there is caution tape and barricades, please do not step on the concrete as it is curing. If the barricades and tape are removed, you are more than welcome to use the sidewalk.  If you need other arrangements, please let me know and I can see what Porter Brothers can come up with.
  • The water bill drop box is temporarily closed during construction. Bills can be dropped off at City Hall or the Public Safety Building. 
  • Thank you for your patience and understanding as work continues. 

***Courtesy of Jason Petentler | Resident Technician-Peoria, Hutchison Engineering***

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