While farmers are busy in the field with harvest, it also means the local conservation districts are busy with field surveys. Resource Conservationist Shawnee Sheehan with the Warren County Soil and Conservation District says harvest season is a great time to work through survey wait lists.
“Typically, we have people come over into our office and talk about resource concerns- nine times out of 10, if it’s going to end in a survey, that means that it’s an erosion concern,” says Sheehan. “So I’ll go out into the field and I will address those resource concerns, and then I’ll get back in contact with the landowner or operator, whoever is making your decisions, and talk to you about different options for what we could put out there, whether that’s a grass waterway or a series of basins.”
Sheehan adds that there are several funding programs and opportunities available for conservation-type projects that farmers can take advantage of before starting projects.