Making sure local agencies succeed is the mission behind the United Way of Greater Warren County. As a fundraising organization to do just that, the annual campaign is underway, shares Executive Director Jeannie Weber:
“Every year we have a campaign where we raise money for the local organizations that do all of the work on the ground. Every year we start at zero. We do that for them because they are doing all of the work, and they need to have that break to not have to raise all of the money themselves. So, we determine at the beginning of the year what the needs are for the community based on what the asks were the year before, we set the goal, we raise the money, and very unique to our organization, 100 percent of the money that we raise does go back out to the non-profits and programs that are serving our region.”
The United Way of Greater Warren County serves 25 organizations in Warren, Henderson, and Mercer Counties.