2024 United Way of Great Warren County Fall Allocations Grant

Photo Courtesy of the United Way of Greater Warren County


Grant Deadline: Noon Friday, November 29, 2024

We are happy to extend our second allocations grant opportunity for 2024! This grant is open to any area 501(c)(3) that has been in existence for three or more years and is currently serving Warren, Henderson, or Mercer counties. Please read the instructions below and submit your application, along with the information requested, together on one PDF file. 

Grant applications will be accepted for any of the following: programming, capacity building, or equipment/supplies. Applications for capital campaigns are not accepted. We strongly recommend that you prepare your application in advance on a Word document and paste it in online once it is complete (this site will not automatically save your application). 

All grant applications must include a detailed summary of your grant request, as well as a detailed budget for the program/project for which you are applying. You will be required to outline and quantitatively verify what percentage of service you are providing by county if you are applying for funds for more than one county. We encourage you to apply for what you need. Partial grants are no longer extended to any organization. 

This allocations grant becomes more competitive each year, due to the increase of need in our region. Therefore, your application will be scored based on the priorities set forth by our Board of Directors and listed below:

-Any qualifying nonprofit who was not awarded a Spring Allocations Grant.

-Any qualifying nonprofit whose government funding (Federal, State, or County) is less than 70% of the organization’s annual budget.

-Preference may be given for service to the marginalized and/or those organizations able to show the greatest need.

-Preference may also be given to any innovative program/project that focuses on building strong community and strengthening understanding and belonging within our region.


Any organization who applied for and secured an allocations grant for programming in the Spring cannot be considered for programming two times in one year. 


Announcements on Fall Allocations Grant recipients will be made the week of December 16, 2024. Grant awards will be processed the following week.

Please contact our executive director (jeannie@wcunitedway.org) with any questions you may have regarding your application.

***Courtesy of the United Way of Greater Warren County***

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