JCC’s Monmouth Resource Center Now Open

Photo Courtesy of the Jamieson Community Center


Jamieson Community Center’s Food Pantry and Thrift Store are now open at the Monmouth Resource Center, located at 1120 South Main Street in Monmouth, shares Executive Director Nancy Mowen:

“We opened at our new location and that is our new Monmouth Resource Center. It includes our Thrift Store and Food Pantry and will include a staff person, a Resource Coordinator, who can work with families individually and help them with their goals and connect to area resources. So, looking forward to that. We are still working to fill that position. We are looking for someone with at least a bachelor’s degree in social services.”

The Monmouth Resource Center will be open Mondays through Fridays from 10 am to 4 pm, with donations being accepted on Mondays and Thursdays only.

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