An emergency department expansion on the OSF St. Mary Medical Center campus in Galesburg is ready to begin, reports President and CEO Lisa DeKezel:
“We will be adding six additional emergency department treatment rooms, a second triage room, doing some behavioral health room enhancements similar to the behavioral health room that we have in the Holy Family emergency department, we will be having two of those at St. Mary. That project will be kicking off in the next few months and will take about 18 months. It will not disrupt the current emergency department, meaning the services will be fully underway and being served by the current emergency department. We are just expanding that department within the current footprint and will be done in phased work.”
DeKezel informs an additional design project is underway for the OSF St. Mary Medical Center campus for the future site of a Cancer Center, which will be an extension of the OSF Cancer Institute out of Peoria.