Sen. Anderson Seeks Family Photos and Stories of Veterans to be Showcased at Illinois Capitol

Photo Courtesy of Senator Neil Anderson


To help pay tribute to veterans and honor their legacies and sacrifices, State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Andalusia) is encouraging constituents to submit a photo and story of their loved one who served our nation so it can be displayed in the rotunda of the Illinois Capitol from November 11 through November 25 in honor of Veterans Day.

“The Veterans Day display at the Illinois Capitol is a special way to honor the brave men and women who served our country,” said Sen. Anderson. “We should always remember their sacrifices and the freedoms they protected, keeping their stories alive.”

Families are asked to submit a photo and written story (max: 250 words) along with the following information: name, military branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy) and conflict served (Afghanistan, Iraq, September 11, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, Peacetime, other). Military photos are preferred but not necessary.

Please email submissions to by November 8, 2024, to be included in the Veterans Day Display at the Illinois State Capitol. Submissions can also be mailed to Veterans Day Wall, 110 D Statehouse, Springfield, IL 62706. For questions, please call (217) 782-1154.

***Courtesy of Senator Neil Anderson***

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