As part of the Federal EPA mandate to replace lead service lines, teams will be making their way around Monmouth explains Communications Director Ken Helms:
“All of our mains are plastic. None of them are actually lead, but the service lines sometimes are and sometimes they put copper at the house but there might be a junction of galvanized out at the main, that is galvanized steel and are also replacing that as well, so that is where the potholing comes in. As the teams go around, they basically dig out a small hole at the main and at the house so they can identify whether that is copper all the way to the main or whether there is lead or galvanized out there and then they are replacing that as well.”
Of the 3,400 total service lines in the City of Monmouth, about 60 percent will need to be replaced.
Monmouth City Council has awarded the project bid to Advanced Plumbing.