Two of the three seats on the Warren County Board have been filled by appointment ahead of the next election, which will be in 2026. District 3 County Board Member Lyman Schar shares the two appointments, plus the timeline for the third open seat to be filled:
“Steve Mahoney, who is returning to the Board, he is returning to the Road and Bridge where he was a member before and the other was Court Hopkins, he is also going to the Road and Bridge, so that leaves us one seat still to be filled. We hopefully will be doing that in February. That will be done by Mr. Pearson with the consent and advice from the County Board. Those individuals will serve in those positions until the next election.”
Additionally, the Warren County Board has rejected a $550,000 bid to construct the courthouse steps and will put out bids for the project again next year.
As a reminder, the Warren County Courthouse will be closed Tuesday Dec 24th and Wednesday Dec 25th in observance of the holiday.