If you have environmental allergies, now is the time to get tested for allergies and prepare for the spring and summer seasons, explains McDonough District Hospital Vice President of Business Strategy Patrick Osterman:
“If you have environmental allergies and you are really bothered by them, you can actually get tested now, it is actually a better time because you do have to go off your medicine for a little bit. That is very hard to do that in the summertime, it is actually better right now to do that during the wintertime. It is a process to do that, but some people need allergy shots once a week through our allergy clinic, wait the amount of time at the clinic, and then be on your way.”
Additionally, Osterman reports that during this time with increased illnesses circulating, the MDH Monmouth Convenience Clinic has expanded their hours; Mondays through Fridays 7:30 am to 6 PM.