Monmouth-Roseville Competitive Cheerleading Have Strong Showing at Sectionals

Photo Courtesy of Prairie Communications


In just their third season, the Monmouth-Roseville Competitive Cheerleading squad had a great showing at Sectionals this last Saturday in Farmington. Although they fell short of qualifying for state this season, the team placed 7th out of 17 schools, reports Monmouth-Roseville High School Athletic Director Jeremy Adolphson:

“The finished 7th out of 17 teams at Farmington, which is a fantastic finish. They ended up just two points out of the 5th place spot that would have moved them onto state. In the short time of three years, they have done really well, they were really excited about how they have done, they beat several teams on Saturday that have been going at this thing a lot longer than three years. I know they have worked really, really hard at that. I know Coach Benson, the only coach we have ever had, helped get the program going, and this year Hannah Leary, one of our other Cheer Coaches from the fall season from football, helped out a little bit as well. Definitely see that they are making incredibly fast progress over the last few years.”

The Monmouth-Roseville Competitive Cheerleading program will return all but one senior to the squad next season.

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