With the new water main in place on West Harlem Avenue, the next step is to tie that in and prepare for the future water treatment plant ahead of the road resurfacing phase, explains Mayor Rod Davies:
“They are going to start tying into the new water main that is already there on West Harlem Avenue and they are going to put a stub in to prepare for the future construction of the water plant. They are doing that now so that once we start the road project, we won’t have to tear it up again, so want to get that out of the way. We have been back and forth with final submissions and approvals of the Harlem project. We wanted it to go out for bid in March, IDOT says now that will go out in April, and we are hoping for a late May, early June start on that project.”
The new water main and construction of a new water treatment plant will supply sufficient quantities of water to the residential neighborhoods and be able to handle any future growth.