Rita L. White


It’s with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Rita L. White on January 12, 2025. At the age of 62.

She was born on April 20, 1962, in Chicago, Illinois. Her father and mother Herbert Garnes Sr and Juanita Garnes proceeded her in death, along with her sisters Joy and Linda of Chicago, and her son Shalom of Orlando, Florida.

Rita married Monroe White, Jr. of Galesburg, Illinois, on September 1, 1990. After 35 years of marriage, her husband, Monroe White Jr. survives in Central, Florida as do her children—Shemaiah (May), Regina (Gigi), Johanna (Honny), and Gabriel (Gabe) all of Central, Florida; her father and mother-in-law Monroe White Sr. and Betty White; and her siblings, Pat, Chuck, Robert, Tina, Phillip, Phyllis, and Elliot of Chicago, Illinois. Honorable mention is given to numerous and beloved aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.

Rita attended George Washington Carver High School, where she graduated in 1980. While in high school, she also took classes at the University of Chicago from 1976 to 1978. She later graduated from Carl Sandburg College with a degree in cosmetology. Rita worked at Admiral and Maytag for a short time in Galesburg, Illinois. After residing in Galesburg for several years, she and her husband, along with their children, moved to Florida. There, she attended school in Orlando, Florida, where she received her business degree. She also obtained her real estate license, business license, and a degree in biblical theology, becoming an ordained minister. Throughout her college years, she excelled academically, achieving honors and recognition on the President’s list and as a Valedictorian. She later returned to school to earn her certificate in medical billing and coding. For her final semester, she was just one semester away from completing her bachelor’s degree in healthcare management before her passing. She became a cosmetology instructor at one of the Paul Mitchell schools in Orlando and later served as one of the directors of cosmetology school.

Rita was also a part of The Good News Jail Ministry, where she found fulfillment in support women who had lost their way, offering guidance, compassion, and a path toward healing. Rita was a free spirit and a Godly wife, mother, and a friend who loved her family and friends deeply. She cherished the opportunity to minister the word of God whenever it arose, sharing the good news with others. Rita enjoyed reading many books, with the Bible being her favorite. She also loved arts and crafts and spent countless hours making memories with her family. She loved to cook for her family and enjoyed being outdoors when the weather permitted. Her interests included classic black-and-white movies, cooking shows, documentaries, home improvement shows, Downton Abbey, and a show called Keeping Up with Appearances. Rita was particularly fond of the Westminster Dog Show and had the privilege of attending live a few times. She loved to travel and fellowship with like-minded people. Rita leaves behind a remarkable legacy with her family and friends. Her favorite saying was, ‘Love you during the weekdays, double on the weekends, and triple on the holidays.’ She will be forever missed until we see her again in heaven. Proverbs 31.

Funeral services are scheduled for 11:00 am Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Hinchliff-Pearson-West Funeral Directors and Cremation Services Galesburg Chapel. Rev. Randy Davis will officiate. The burial will be in East Linwood Cemetery. Her Repass will follow her burial at Visions Venue, 2093 Knox Road 150E, Galesburg, Illinois, 61401. Memorials may be made to her family to establish a memorial fund at a later date. Online condolences may be offered at www.h-p-w.com.

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